Gather up your book club, school class, Girl Scout troop, corporate group, sorority, friends of the library – you name it – and have a GLM Letter Writing Party! Writing together is inspirational and fun, so we put together free, customized downloadable kits. Each kit contains conversation starters, letter writing guidelines, sample letters, and more. There’s everything you need to get your group laughing, learning, crying, writing, and having a great time. Get started today by selecting your group below.
If you’re hosting a Zoom/Internet Group event, participants can mail letters directly to us using our Group Submission Form. Get the form and more information here.

WOMEN’S GROUPS: Writing letters with friends is a bonding experience. Add letter writing to your next club meeting, game night, or get-together with friends. Download Women’s Kit.

GIRL SCOUTS: A terrific low-cost, character-building project for individual troops or a district-wide event. Download Girl Scout Kit.

CLASSROOMS: GLM letter writing is educational and fun. This student kit was developed by teachers. (Note: We no longer offer volunteer service hours.)

HIGH SCHOOL & COLLEGES: Whether for your club's service group, BC awareness gathering, or sorority and fraternity events, writing letters is perfect for your next group function. Download College Kit.

BOOK CLUBS: Keep your book club fresh by writing a few letters. This special kit includes author questions about GLM founder’s (Gina L. Mulligan) novel, Remember the Ladies. Download Book Club Kit.

CORPORATE: Use GLM letter writing for your next corporate service hours or community involvement event. It’s simple, easy to set up, and inclusive. Download Corporate Kit.

LIBRARY ENGAGEMENT: Build community and media engagement with a low-cost program for all ages. Download Library Kit.
Get more information for your group event or invite Gina to be a guest speaker. Contact Gina Mulligan at